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Live train information for all journeys
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0 Train Cancellations
There are currently no Train Cancellations reported.
0 Other Train Service Updates
There are currently no Other Train Service Updates reported.
7 London Undergrounds
London Underground Updates in for
Kentish Town Station Closed
Kentish Town: Closed - This station is closed until mid 2024, while escalators are replaced. The National Rail (Thameslink) station remains open.
This Information will apply from 05/04/2024 00:13 to 31/07/2024 01:29.
This will affect journeys
from 05/04/2024 00:13 to 31/07/2024 01:29.
Affected Stations:
Kentish Town.
Last Updated: 00:03:00 06/04/2024
Kentish Town Station Closed
Kentish Town: Closed - This station is closed until mid 2024, while escalators are replaced. The National Rail (Thameslink) station remains open.
This Information will apply from 25/04/2024 04:32 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
This will affect journeys
from 25/04/2024 04:32 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
Affected Stations:
Kentish Town.
Last Updated: 04:33:00 25/04/2024
Bermondsey Station Information
Bermondsey: No Step Free Access - Step free access is not available due to a faulty lift. Call us on 0343 222 1234 if you need help planning your journey.
This Information will apply from 25/04/2024 04:32 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
This will affect journeys
from 25/04/2024 04:32 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
Affected Stations:
Last Updated: 04:33:00 25/04/2024
Chorleywood Station Information
Chorleywood: No Step Free Access - The ramps providing level access between the platforms and Chiltern trains are not in service due to unavailability of staff. Level access to the Metropolitan line is available.
This Information will apply from 25/04/2024 12:04 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
This will affect journeys
from 25/04/2024 12:04 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
Affected Stations:
Last Updated: 12:06:00 25/04/2024
Hounslow East Station Information
Hounslow East: No Step Free Access - Step free access is not available to the eastbound platform due to planned maintenance. Call us on 0343 222 1234 if you need help planning your journey.
This Information will apply from 24/04/2024 04:18 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
This will affect journeys
from 24/04/2024 04:18 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
Affected Stations:
Hounslow East.
Last Updated: 00:03:00 25/04/2024
Hounslow East Station Information
Hounslow East: No Step Free Access - Step free access is not available to the eastbound platform due to planned maintenance. Call us on 0343 222 1234 if you need help planning your journey.
This Information will apply from 25/04/2024 04:32 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
This will affect journeys
from 25/04/2024 04:32 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
Affected Stations:
Hounslow East.
Last Updated: 04:33:00 25/04/2024
Westminster Station Information
Westminster: No Step Free Access - Step free access is not available to the Jubilee line due to a faulty lift. Call us on 0343 222 1234 if you need help planning your journey.
This Information will apply from 25/04/2024 05:16 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
This will affect journeys
from 25/04/2024 05:16 to 26/04/2024 01:29.
Affected Stations:
Last Updated: 05:18:00 25/04/2024
Underground updates supplied by TFL Travel Information. Click here for the TfL Journey Planner.
1 Station Update
The ticket office will be closed from 5:30 PM on 4/25/2024 until the end of the day at Hull station.
Additional Information:
You can purchase a full range of tickets on board from the Train Manager for travel today. Train Managers can also issue your pre booked tickets. Please present your booking details when requested.
Alternatively, Go paper free and purchase your tickets via the Hull Trains App and present them when requested on your phone!
Hull Trains apologises for any inconvenience this may cause.
For assistance with your journey, please follow @Hull_Trains or @nationalrailenq on Twitter for the latest updates.
You can also find live disruption information on the National Rail website at or our Hull Trains website at
Last Updated :25/04/2024 09:47
Load a route using the "Your Journey" selection boxes above.
Specify a "From" station to see live train departure times for that station.
Additionally specify a "To" station to see real time departure information for only the services that go on to call at your "To" station.

Load a route using the "Your Journey" selection boxes above.
Specify a "To" station to see live train arrival times for that station.
Additionally specify a "From" station to see real time arrival information for only the services that call at that station prior to your "To" station.

Last Updated On: 22:56:00 25-04-2024